Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Dishwasher

Well hello Saturday, so glad you could come around again.  Today I will be blogging about my favorite appliance. 

The dishwasher. My dishwasher.  It has a really weird ability to make me feel good about myself. 

Here is why:

I'm not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but I made the best dinner last night!  I found the recipe on Pinterest (where else?) and it was seriously the best thing ever!  They are called Cream Cheese Chicken Enchilada Stuffed Peppers.   I love cream cheese and I love peppers so to say I was obsessed would be an understatement.  I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for the life of me.  I even invited friends over so they could tell me what a good cook I was. Sue me. 

Granted, mine didn't look quite as nice as the ones on Pinterest, but they sure tasted good!

Mine vs. Pinterest

Why is there one green one you ask??  Well the other red one I bought was moldy inside.  Not cool Kroger.  Not cool. 

I will admit, I am no expert in the kitchen, and even though these took me about 2 hours to prepare and cook, I sort of felt like an expert because it required me to do so many things at once. A true one-man band! :)

The kitchen was in complete shambles.  We don't have very many things out here in Ohio so I'd have to use a pan, then wash it to use it for something else, and so on and so forth.  That's probably why this took me so long.  But I'm telling you IT WAS SO WORTH IT!  

When we finally cleaned up and cozied down so we could watch "White Collar" I felt a true sense of accomplishment.  Do you want to know why? 

Meet my dishwasher. 

Because every time I hear the dishwasher running at the end of the night I know I did my part that day.  It's just the downright coziest sound of accomplishment in the world. 

Can I get an AMEN??

That's all. 


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