Thursday, July 17, 2014

An Ode to Reggae Knudson

Sorry I stole your profile pic. 

Rachael is a woman of many nicknames.  Rachie, Rache, Ray, Rabies, Reggae, Reggagle bagel, and the list goes on.... 

Our woman of many names is having a birthday today and I just wanted to give her a baby shoutout because she is my best cousin/friend and we have grown up doing everything together. Em and Ray.  Lloyd and Harry. The spinsters. Chocolate and vanilla. 

  Our mom's are identical twins (Heidi and Holly who both married David Ks on the same day) and have told us our whole lives that because their genes are identical then that means that we aren't just cousins, but half sisters.  You might never guess because we look so much alike (not) but we really do have half the same genetics.  That's why we are both so awesome! :) Thanks moms.  

Rache and I grew up together in every sense.  We even went to the same high school and shared the same friends.  We grew up having sleepovers constantly and her mom would always dress us in matching outfits.  I was surrounded by all brothers at this point and I LOVED going over to their house so that I could wear their clothes.  I used to wait for them to clean out their closets so that I could have all the hand-me-downs.  

Rache and I played Polly Pockets and orphanage for hours on end.  We wrote letters to Mary Kate and Ashley and would stay up all night brushing our hair so it wouldn't be tangled in the morning while we sang along to Mary Kate and Ashley's "Our First Video."   We even got lice together, although that is a secret we'll never tell.  I don't think we've ever even fought! Every time we would have a sleepover and we didn't know what to do she would say in her kindest voice, "You decide!  You're the guest!"  

You might never guess that she sleeps Indian style folded in half laying on her back or that she has the entire movie Dumb and Dumber memorized.  Mock, yeah, ING, yeah... 

Do you notice any similarities?  Same colors. Same side of the couch.  Always chocolate, always vanilla. 

Anyway, Ray is one of the kindest people I know.  Every time I am around her I feel like a comedian because she always laughs at everything I say.  All we do when we are together is laugh!  One time we got in trouble in the temple because we had a laughing attack (we were 12). She is hilarious! She has the biggest smile and an even bigger heart!  She's always taken care of me.  

She is the ultimate boy magnet and is a pro at friend-zoning anyone she isn't interested in.  Even when I beg her not to. :)  So watch out boys! 

Rache is secretly strong-willed.  She graduated from BYU AND she just graduated from the U of U with her Master's in Architecture.  She is super intelligent and the ultimate catch.  Seriously, people, this one won't be on the market much longer.  So if you want her, you better come and get her.    

She has an innocence that is unmatched by anyone I've ever met.  She is one-hundred percent without guile!  I mean look at that face.  She is wearing a frog hat and she is pleased as punch. 

 One time Savannah (the one in the middle at the bottom) called me in hysterics and said that Gracie (their dog) had died.  But I really thought she said Rachie and I swear my whole life flashed before my eyes because I couldn't imagine what life would be like without her. 

I owe it to her that I even met my husband Cory.  Had she not chosen to move in with our grandma, attend a single's ward there, AND invite me to go with her I probably never would've met the man I married.  I owe her big time! 

Reggagle bagel is really one of a kind and she is beautiful.  I don't know what I would do without her. Someone snatch her up now while supplies last so that we can have our babies together!  HURRY GO!

Happy Birthday Rabies!!!  I love you! I hope it's a great day and I know that this will be YOUR YEAR!  I'll be right behind you turning 26!   


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