Monday, July 28, 2014

I've Heard it Said...

I've heard it said that money doesn't buy happiness, but I am quite certain that it helps. A lot.

Just the other day we were at the mall supposedly shopping for raffle prizes.  Did we HAVE to take a detour into J Crew? Yes.  And although Cory was hungry when I asked if I could buy these two things, he acquiesced.  Like he really had a choice. (Wink, wink! :))

I won't lie-  I felt extra happy spending that money!  The only downside is now I want to go spend more. It's such a vicious cycle. Uh oh.

Here are some pictures of my purchases.

First off, these Pixie pants.  They just suck it all in!  I wish I would've had Cory take a picture of my butt because it has the cutest zipper in the back that sometimes makes it difficult to go potty, but it's totally worth it!  I wish the fact that they are dry-clean only would've stopped me, but I wouldn't allow it. They are like leggings only 100 times BETTER!  The best part about them is that you can easily dress them up or dress them down.  Today I went for a simple look with my favorite black flats from my wedding.

And I hate that my roots match my pants.  The price of blonde hair is outrageous, but that's a whole other rant. 

Now this is kind of off topic, but notice how my heel is popped up so daintily? Well, it's been like that since last night. I worked out my calves on Saturday and I was fine yesterday, but for some reason my right one seized up last night (after my one and a half hour bath) and now I am gimping around and CANNOT straighten my right leg.  I will be watching Netflix and crocheting the rest of the day due to my injury.  Just FYI.  You're all invited to my pity party. :)

Back to buying my own happiness...

My second purchase was this lovely tee that was, of course, ON SALE for less than $20!  That's how I convinced Corny to let me get it.  Something under a gazillion dollars at J Crew?!  What a steal!

If you judge me for this selfie I won't judge you.  But sometimes you just have to take one because you're by yourself all day.

And this is real life- messy floor and all.

We spent the weekend watching rainstorms and hanging out with friends. 

Saturday night we spent at Cheesecake Factory and Barnes and Noble where we stayed for an hour because we were all enthralled with this book on serial killers.  We're all slightly morbid.  Following that, we had everyone over to watch "The Zodiac"  (FREAKY!) and then we spent all hours of the night telling scary stories.

Does anyone else love watching movies about serial killers??



  1. I dont think my last comment posted but...small world, you married my old best friends brother and they used to live next door to me in bountiful ages ago. Crazy say hi to whitney, corey, and noelle for me! P.s. I dont even know if you remember me but I used to work with you at medsource like 4 years ago.

    1. Oh my goodness gracious! Of course I remember you and I remember that we were buds at Medsource! Why did you leave anyway?? Where are you now? How are your kids?

    2. They are great life is pretty good. Looks like you got great in laws too! I love the devenneys! Congratulations!
