Monday, July 21, 2014

Alternative Last Names

Have any of you ever seen "Father of the Bride: Part 2?"  Well it is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE movies! George Banks, Fronk, the whole nine yards.  I die laughing every time (while my dad bawls :))!  Here, watch the trailer: 

Anyway, there is a part in it where the families are arguing about who's last name the new baby will have- whether it will be Banks or McKenzie.  So Annie and her husband tell their parents that they've started coming up with alternative last names for the baby by using the letters of their own last names.  The ones they come up with are Zinman, Zankman, and Manis.   George Banks then says, "Are you telling me I'm going to have a grand-daughter named Sophie Zankman??"  In the end they name the baby George McKenzie to appease him. It's one of the funniest things EVER and I'm not doing it justice!  Point of the story is that one time in church Cory and I started coming up with alternative last names for our kids (as a joke, doy!) using the letters of Killpack and Devenney (pronounced DaVinny!).  Here is what we came up with.  Take your vote and try not to DIE laughing like I did:


and last, but certainly not least: 


Yes, Dave Killpack, I am telling you that you are going to have a grand-daughter named Sophie Vankinky!!! So, what are you going to do about it??  

And hopefully she doesn't look like this mixture of her parents.


On a side note, I will be blogging about our wonderful weekend in Palmyra so stay tuned! :)

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